Works of art for the benefit of rescue at sea
Coming soon
The second edition is planned for December!
Jef Aérosol, Un Trésor à la Carte (First edition)
"Un trésor à la Carte": Second édition
Following a successful first experience in 2019 with almost €50,000 raised for the benefit of rescue at sea, the association « Watever-Seatizens » decided to prepare a second edition for 2024. The auction will take place on December 3rd at the Foundation Lafayette Anticipations in Paris.
This time we asked famous artists to paint on nautical charts that we gathered from famous sailors. We will donate 100% of the profit to sea rescue actors.
Embark with us on this amazing adventure!
Charity auctions
First edition: what a success!
Samuel Guillemot, Un Trésor à la Carte (First edition)
"Un trésor à la Carte" : First edition
“Un Trésor à la Carte, First edition” begins where the journey of cargo ships ends: in the port of Chittagong in Bangladesh. We managed to bring back 60 nautical charts from this ship breaking yard and asked artists to turned them into works of art. We sold these nautical charts during a charity auction in 2019 and collected nearly €50,000 for sea rescue actors.